Check your driving licence validity


The Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic draws attention to the fact that at the end of 2019, 268,000 drivers will have an invalid driving licence.

Check your driving licence validity2019-08-26T09:40:25+02:00

SPWS is a holder of the ‘Management of security printing processes’ certification


SPWS is a holder of the ‘Management of security printing processes’ certification   STATE PRINTING WORKS OF SECURITIES, state enterprise, after undergoing demanding preparation and a strict certification audit in January 2019 by the Dutch firm VPGI Certification B.V., became a holder of ISO 14298:2013 – Management [...]

SPWS is a holder of the ‘Management of security printing processes’ certification2019-01-30T15:36:49+01:00

‘Project 24+5’ Wins Special Award


'Project 24+5' Wins Special Award Egovernment Magazine has organised the 13th annual competition aimed at presenting the most interesting projects in the electronisation of public administration in the CR. At the awarding ceremony, held in the Municipal House on 19 November 2018 under the auspices of [...]

‘Project 24+5’ Wins Special Award2018-11-29T13:28:22+01:00
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