ID documents represent one of the key products of SPWS. Our scope includes namely personal IDs, passports, driving licences and vehicle registration certificates, or documents used in public administration processes.

ID documents are produced using state-of-the-art technologies and at the same time applying a range of special security features in order to secure the protection of these documents thus preventing forgery and counterfeiting.

Czech ID documents are produced under very strict rules defined by both, national and international regulations, ranking in the world top class in terms of their quality and performance.

Product list

Identification documents

Related products

Plastic cards

We offer cards made of various materials, with contact or contactless chips, with a wide range of security features in both – the used materials as well as the design.

Identification documents
Other security printed items

We design and produce conventional types of security printed items in paper form as well as in the form of ID-1 type plastic cards with a personalisation option.

Identification documents

STC was appointed the issuer of the unique identifier in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 on technical standards for the establishment and operation of a traceability system for tobacco products.

Identification documents