- Deployment of production version 2.0 into live operation from December 21st 2023
We have just published on our website dedicated to the Track&Trace system Deployment of production version into live operation from December 21st 2023
Deployment of version 2.0 to the test environment – changes to 21.11.2023We have just published on our website dedicated to the Track&Trace system Deployment of version 2.0 to the test environment – changes to 21.11.2023.
Wall calendar Landscape on Banknotes 2024Discover the hidden beauty of agricultural motifs and landscapes on Czech and Czechoslovak treasury notes and banknotes with us. The calendar shows the influence of man on the landscape and agriculture from the time of the establishment of independent Czechoslovakia to the 1990s.
Download the new version of the technical specificationWe have just published on our website dedicated to the Track&Trace system an up-to-date report on the deployment of the system version change.
The new implementing regulation 2023/448STC, as the publisher of U_IID codes for the Czech Republic, wants to inform you that the changes resulting from the new implementing regulation 2023/448 are currently working on the TT system.
St. Wenceslas Commemorative BanknoteCommemorative banknote with the symbol of the Czech State, a portrait of St. Wenceslas, issued by České dukáty on the anniversary of the death of this Czech prince and saint. Státní tiskárna cenin, s. p. is now also offering the commemorative banknote via its e-shop.
M. R. Štefánik Commemorative BanknoteCommemorative banknote with a portrait of Milan Rastislav Štefánik, an important personage of Czechoslovak history, a politician, soldier, aviator, but also astronomer and meteorologist, is now on offer at the Státní tiskárna cenin, s. p.
Page load linkInvitation to the Ministry of Finance Open DayFor the sixth time in history, the Ministry of Finance building will be opened to the public on 28 September 2023 as part of Czech Statehood Day and the State Printing Works of Securities is there for it.
STC invites you to the “THE LANDSCAPE ON THE BANKNOTES” EXHIBITIONIn cooperation with the National Museum of Agriculture, we have prepared an exhibition called “THE LANSCAPE ON THE BANKNOTES”.
The invitation to the Collector’s FairDon’t miss the offer of a new commemorative banknote with Hana Zagorová’s portrait on STC e-shop.
E-shop STC
Since 1928 the printing of banknotes has been a special part of the production here at SPWS. We are also proud to have received quite a few prestigious international awards in this area. When a new line of banknotes undergoes the preparation process, we cooperate with both the client and the author of the design, and we specifically discuss the transfer of the artistic design into the security printing design. The banknote design preparations are worked on utilising software developed exclusively for security printing businesses.
95 years with you
Státní tiskárna cenin, s. p.
Růžová 943/6
Nové Město
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
+420 236 031 1112023 © Státní tiskárna cenin, s. p.