
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the death of the country’s first post-revolution president Václav Havel. To commemorate this occasion, will be issued a commemorative banknote featuring a portrait of Václav Havel created by painter Eva Hašková.


Prints of a Commemorative Banknote Featuring a Portrait of Václav Havel are Approaching Completion


This year marks the 10th anniversary of the death of the country’s first post-revolution president Václav Havel. To commemorate this occasion, will be issued a commemorative banknote featuring a portrait of Václav Havel created by painter Eva Hašková.

Prints of a Commemorative Banknote Featuring a Portrait of Václav Havel are Approaching Completion2021-10-25T17:38:40+02:00

Save the reconstruction of the A. Mucha Museum with your purchase


We are starting the sale of scratch cards with the motif of a hitherto unpublished triptych by Alfons Mucha - Three Ages in our e-shop. Follow our issue plan and don't miss the chance to visit the breathtaking residence of Alfons Mucha with a personal interpretation by John Mucha.

Save the reconstruction of the A. Mucha Museum with your purchase2021-10-15T20:22:48+02:00

The State Printing Works of Securities Invites You to the ISSS Conference 2021


Our company will once again be present at the ISSS Conference, which this year will take place from 20–21 September 2021 at the Aldis Centre in Hradec Králové. Visit the STC stand (No. 11), where our colleagues will be happy to present our new digital products.

The State Printing Works of Securities Invites You to the ISSS Conference 20212021-10-25T18:05:53+02:00

Cards made by the STC are saving the A. Mucha Museum


At the end of his life, Alfons Mucha worked on the Tři věky (Three Ages) triptych, which, however never saw the light of the day. STC in collaboration with Charitativní losy, s.r.o. has prepared and produced a collectable edition of scratch cards with the motif of Mucha's triptych. By buying these cards, you will contribute to the repair of Alfons Mucha Museum in his native Ivančice.

Cards made by the STC are saving the A. Mucha Museum2021-06-03T12:05:40+02:00
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