After four years, the State Printing Work of Securities has launched the production and personalisation of a new version of cards for 2nd generation digital tachographs. The change does not concern the design, but the electronics. With the obligation to introduce the second version of the second generation of intelligent tachographs, it will be possible to record new technical requirements on the cards, such as the driver’s activities over a longer period of time than before, information on crossing borders of other countries, loading and unloading of cargo, etc.
The State Printing Works of Securities (STC) has been producing and personalising digital tachograph cards for the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic since March 2018. There are four types of cards in total, specifically driver cards, workshop cards, company cards and control cards. In addition to producing and personalising cards in cooperation with MONET+, STC provides comprehensive services for the operation, support and development of the digital tachograph information system.
Since 2019 STC has been producing cards for 2nd generation digital tachographs, which have undergone a significant change in these months based on European Union requirements. STC fulfilled its obligations by the deadline and since 17 July 2023 has been producing and personalising an upgraded version of digital tachograph cards (DT G2V2 cards). The Czech Republic therefore met the deadline established by EU legislation.
There has been no change in the design of the cards. The changes rather concern the electronic part of the document. Visually, the cards are distinguished from the previous version by a new type approval number on the back of the card (004). The new G2V2 cards are backward compatible and functional in current tachographs. When used in new G2V2 tachographs, they allow for newly required recordings to be made as described above. Similarly, all previously issued DT cards remain valid and functional.
From the point of view of the application and information system (ISDT), there have been no changes in connection with the launch of DT G2V2 cards. Nothing changes for card applicants. During the transition to the new version, there have been no failures or complications in the uploading of applications or problems with the functioning of the information system.
STC has successfully passed complete recertification of the cards with the new chip. At the same time, the necessary interoperability tests for the personalised DT G2V2 test card samples were successful and all necessary documents were subsequently issued, proving that STC is a first-rate, reliable and professional supplier of this document. Information on the granting of STC type approval as a manufacturer is available on the JRC website (https://dtc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dtc_card_status.php.html). STC is only the seventh company in the EU to be granted type approval for G2V2.
A major advantage is the comprehensiveness and efficiency of the service. Central personalisation of documents in the drivers’ agenda and their distribution through the Centre for Road Transport Services, a body of the Czech Ministry of Transport, forms a comprehensive single place system that saves time and money.
STC would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this success for their excellent cooperation.