The Minister of Finance visited the STC exhibition

Our anniversary exhibition known as “90 years with the State Printing Works of Securities”, which is slowly, but inevitably coming to a close, was honoured this week by a visit from the Minister of Finance JUDr. Alena Schillerová, Ph.D.
“I would never have believed that banknotes, stocks and other valuables could express the major milestones in Czech history as well as seemingly minor events. I thank STC for this wonderful exhibition at which it is possible to see an original sketch by Max Švabinský and the anniversary ninety crown commemorative certificate in banknote format,” said the Minister during her visit to the anniversary exhibition.
The Ministry of Finance as the founder of the State Printing Works of Securities, state enterprise (Státní tiskárna cenin, státní podnik), was the patron of this major event, and hence the higher the success that this exhibition has enjoyed among the professional and lay public. For almost two months visitors had an opportunity to lift the veil of secrecy over the production of banknotes, documents and other state securities that the State Printing Works of Securities, state enterprise (Státní tiskárna cenin, státní podnik) has made in the last 90 years and continues to make. To date, the exhibition has been visited by more than 6,500 visitors, and 19 commented tours have been realised for state and banking institutions, business partners from the commercial sector and schools.
Take advantage of the last opportunity to visit our anniversary exhibition. You can visit the exhibition daily from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. until 31 May 2018 in the winter refectory of the Strahov Monastery. More information about the exhibition