Digital product identification consists of the application of a unique identifier in the form of digital code to the product packaging in the course of its production. The digital code is unique to the product and contains anti-forgery security measures. This identification allows subsequent tracing of the movement of the specific product shipped from the manufacturer to the first retailer (the so-called Track&Trace System).

On the basis of Decree of the Government of the Czech Republic No 671 of 17 October 2018, the STC was appointed the public issuer of the unique identifiers for tobacco products for the Czech Republic within the meaning of Article 3 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574 of 15 December 2017 on technical standards for the establishment and operation of a traceability system for tobacco products.

Digital identification in combination with the Track&Trace system ensures

  • the guarantee of the origin and quality of the products for domestic and foreign customers and consumers,
  • increased product protection and additional difficulties for forgers,
  • improved inspection of product movement in target markets,
  • easier downloading of information about sales of specific products,
  • access to publicly available services for product origin and quality verification.

The objective is to improve consumer information about product authenticity and origin and minimize the black market space by perfecting the identification of products, monitoring production volumes, and controlling the movement of goods within the entire supplier/buyer chain.

Directive 2014/40/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council – Article 15 (Traceability)

  • stipulates that all unit packets of tobacco products are marked with a unique identifier (UID);
  • stipulates the data that shall be included in the UID;
  • stipulates the data that must be available in electronic format in combination with the UID;
  • stipulates other obligations of the member states to ensure access to stored data;

Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574

  • stipulates the technical standards for implementation and operation of the tobacco products tracking systems;

Based on Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574, every economic operator participating in the tobacco products Track&Trace system must have a unique identifier (UID) assigned by the officially appointed issuer. Apart from the manufacturers, importers, and distributors, this also applies to all first retailers and vending machines.

The participating institutions are the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic and the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority.

In force from 20 May 2019 for cigarettes and tobacco for hand-rolled cigarettes.

In force from 20 May 2024 for other tobacco products.

Diagram of the Track&Trace System

Basic information

Time Schedule

Follow the time schedule with the most important milestones, which will help you to fulfil important deadlines and have everything duly prepared in time for successful participation in the Track&Trace System.

Deadline Milestone
2/2019 Signature of a legally binding document with a selected solution provider
2/2019 Commencement of the implementation stage of the provided solution
6. 3. 2019 Launch of the special Track&Trace website
3/2019 Acceptance of the provided solution
3-4/2019 Verification of the connection of economic operators
3-4/2019 Start of the registration of economic operators
4/2019 Signature of contracts with the manufacturers
5/2019 Transition to live production operations
20. 5. 2019 Start of the provision of operational services


All economic operators participating in trade in tobacco products within the European Union must register. During the project’s launch, more than 19,000 economic operators in the Czech Republic participated.

What I should do if I am:

The first retailer

The first retailer is the subject that first places the tobacco products on the market for the final consumers. Within the scope of the Track&Trace System, the sole task of the first retailer is to register in the system operated by STÁTNÍ TISKÁRNA CENIN, state enterprise (STC) and in this manner receive an economic operator’s identification code and an equipment code. The STC plans to start registration at the beginning of April, and you will be notified on our website. Registration can be completed via a simple web form that must be filled with basic information, for instance Company ID No, registered office of the economic operator, addresses of the places of business, contact email address and telephone number.


Just like the first retailer, the distributor is also obligated to register. Further obligations are keeping records and ensuring their transfer to the Router and Secondary storage location related to the tobacco products as well as their import, warehousing, and further transfer.

Manufacturer or Importer

In compliance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/574, the Manufacturers and Importers are obligated to ensure the marking of the unit and bulk packs of tobacco products. For this purpose, it is necessary to ensure the following activities:

  • Submit an application to the STC for issue of an identification code for the economic operator, equipment, and machinery.
  • Submit an application to the STC for the issue of a unique identifier for packaging of tobacco products.
  • Mark the pack with the unique identifier (not a chip).
  • Integration with the Router and Secondary storage location.
  • Keep records of the events related to the movement of the tobacco products and transfer the required information to the superior systems (Router, Secondary storage location).

Registration itself can be done in two ways

  • An economic operator itself applies for registration
  • A registered economic operator enters the economic operator into the system with the consent of the latter. For example, the Distributor has the option to do a mass import of all buyers into the system, and these will, upon registration, each receive an email message with a link for confirmation and completion of Registration.