Verification of the authenticity of securities and products

STC is preparing a project based on the latest knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence, which will help to verify the authenticity of securities and other products. The main objective of the project is to safeguard the manufacturers’ brand and to protect consumers who will have 100% certainty that the security or the product they have purchased is not a counterfeit. 

Specifically, we are working on the implementation of a solution that will be able to evaluate the quality of our printing products based on an analysis built on deep neural network technologies. A huge advantage of this solution is the ability to learn. It is not based on fixed parameters specifying what a product should contain or what it should look like, but on the fact that the neural network learns what the correct document looks like and what the errors look like and then decides on its own. At the same time, it is possible to train the network even along the way, e.g., to prepare it additionally for a new type of error in production. This project aims to evaluate the possibilities of this technology in our STC environment and in the case of its successful implementation, we have a lot of plans for what could be accomplished with such technology.


Banknotes, documents, securities, plastic cards, other security printed materials.