The State Printing Works of Securities was not missing at the ISSS 2018 conference

Our company was among the attendees of the ISSS Conference, which took place from 9-10 May 2018 at Aldis in Hradec Králove. This year as well, we presented our products and technology during these conference days. This important event is focused on reform of the public administration, development of e-government and the information society. During the two-day programme, there were approximately 200 lectures and discussions, and in the exhibit part besides us 100 suppliers of technology and services presented themselves. The two-day programme was traditionally supplemented by the V4DIS conference (Visegrad Four for Developing Information Society), which was even supported this year by the Visegrad Fund.
During the presentation of the State Printing Works of Securities, we focused mainly on the new technology of electronic identity cards. The main topic of our discussions with municipal authorities focused on the legislative impacts of the amendment to the Act on National Identity Cards on the CDBP Project (Travel documents with biometric elements).
The Czech Ministry of Interior as usual contributed to the programme for the ISSS 2018 conference, under the auspices of Minister Lubomír Metnar.
You can read more information on the official website of ISSS 2018.