Minister of Finance Present at Launch of New Printing Machine

In late October we were honoured by a visit from the Minister of Finance, JUDr Alena Schillerová, PhD. We were very pleased to introduce her to our new printing machine, which extends our process equipment array. It is a KBA Rapida 106-5 ALV2 sheet offset printing machine with a maximum printing format of 740 x 1060 mm. It is primarily intended to print tobacco revenue stamps and passports, but it is also suitable for other jobs related to the printing of securities. The installation of the machine also included the modernisation of production floor areas.
The Minister of Finance Alena Schillerová praised the launch of the new machine: “I am glad to see that the State Printing Works of Securities is keeping up with the times. It is absolutely good for the increased competitiveness of the STC if it invests in modern technology. Thanks to a productivity increase combined with considerable print quality, the State Printing Works of Securities may receive more orders in the future. I believe that the investment will thus soon be returned.”
The machine achieves the highest possible print quality currently available on the market, particularly greater sharpness of detail. Another of the machine’s advantages is its high output, up to 18 thousand sheets an hour. Trial operations are in progress at the moment.