STC (State Printing Works of Securities) has launched its own anniversary exhibit

On 5 April 2018, we kicked off with an art show the anniversary exhibit entitled “90 years of the State Printing Works of Securities” which we prepared to mark the 90th anniversary of the enterprise’s founding.
“The State Printing Works of Securities is presenting itself to the public in this way for the first time ever. On nearly four dozen panels, visitors can view the most interesting exhibit items from the first Czechoslovak Republic until the present. These include, for example, original drawings, proposals and engravings of banknotes, which we know or which have so far been hidden in a safe, a historic guillotine machine and much more,” says the General Director of the State Printing Works of Securities, Tomáš Hebelka. The exhibit also maps trends in production of securities, ranging from technical approaches to design and a combination of security features. In the interactive part of the exhibit, visitors can verify the authenticity of banknotes or learn how the new technology for national identity cards with chips works, which the Czech Ministry of Interior will introduce as of 1 July of this year. “I am confident that both professionals and the general public will find what they are looking for and that this unique exhibit will receive great interest,” adds the general director.
The exhibit will be open until 31 May 2018, daily from 9:30 a.m. To 5 p.m.
We look forward to your visit.